
  • Quit

    After 15 years in one company I finally quit my job. From september I will be ready to give programming my full attention.

  • Notes

    For the past few days I’ve been thinking about some note-taking app, as I was reading Pragmatic Programmer and realise that I have no other mind backup than browser bookmarks, some books and pile of PDF’s or EPUB’s. The only thing that was certain at first: NO paper! But what other features do I want?

  • My First app

    Shortly after I decided to start learning Python, a concept popped into my head - a simple calculator that would help us in the store (where I worked) to check the cash register at the end of the day. Until then, we used a simple LibreOffice Calc document, but it seemed awkward (it took the program a very long time to run at all, the table was not clear enough and lacked some features).

  • Oh-my-GIT!

    As a loner with a few mini scripts in a drawer, I consider GitHub to be a kind of external hard drive for my semi-finished pieces of code. But as a prospective member of a team, I suspect that I should get to know GIT in depth, with all its useful features. So where to start?..

  • Hello World!

    As a motivation and journal, I started this blog.